Blue Sky Laws

October 6, 2021

What is a Securities Manual?

For companies to raise capital under the exemptions allowed by the JOBS Act, there are different requirements to maintain compliance with state and federal securities […]

September 20, 2021

Why do I need Blue Sky registration for Secondary Trading?

Through the Regulation A+ exemption, securities issuers can raise up to $75 million as of March 2021. This creates a significant opportunity for the everyday […]

June 14, 2021

What is the Role of a Corporate Secretary?

A Corporate Secretary is a required position set forth by state corporation laws and is part of the ‘check and balance’ on board members and […]

April 7, 2021

How a Member of the Crowd Made Crowdfunding Easier

A while back, one of our favorite start-up clients called me and asked me to speak to a potential investor. Paul Efron, a resident of […]