Trusted Advisors for Fully Compliant Private Capital Transactions

As a KorePartner, you will be seen as a trusted advisor to companies in the private capital market and provide a required service. KorePartners include broker-dealers, securities lawyers, secondary market platforms, share registry/transfer agents, marketing firms, corporate secretary firms, accounting firms, investor relations firms, consulting firms, incorporation providers, etc.

Join the Global Network of Trusted KorePartners
KorePartners operate in multiple countries around the world, providing essential services to the private capital markets.
KorePartners uphold high governance standards to promote efficiency, transparency, security, and compliance.
KorePartners benefit from numerous opportunities through their partnership with Kore, from sales, speaking engagements, and more.
Deal Flow Management
Become a KorePartner and Access Opportunities
Each KorePartner is introduced to sales opportunities through the Kore All-In-One Platform to improve their deal flow. Be invited to speak at KoreSummits hosted across the world where only KorePartners are selected.
Governance Standards
KorePartners follow strict governance standards to uphold transparency and compliance
Governance Standards
Standards are designed to protect investors, simplify compliance, enhance security, reduce redundancy so that processes are efficient and cost-effective.