Blockchain protection for transactions

The Infrastructure of Trust is implemented on the KoreChain, which is a fully permissioned blockchain that has no risk of forking, no mining fees, and no gas fees. The KoreChain is highly secure, with recourse for faulty transactions, and secure custody for all digital assets. This makes it less appealing to crypto-thieves and bad actors. The KoreChain is highly scalable with high throughput and minimal economic waste or environmental impact.

The KoreChain is a permissioned blockchain built on Hyperledger Fabric
It is designed with safety and security as paramount requirements and hosted on IBM’s highly secure servers.
It is completely focused on global private capital markets and especially on tokenized securities.
KoreChain vs. a Traditional Blockchain
• The KoreChain is a permissioned distributed ledger
• Governed (and audited)
• Lifecycle management of KoreContracts and KoreTokens
• Event management and subscriptions to events that affect the tradability or transactions of the security token
• Artificial intelligence for supporting design time guidance, KoreContract execution, data analysis, governance, risk management, and compliance.
• APIs to integrate with the Kore functional all-in-one platform (for portfolio management, cap table management, shareholder management, equity management, issuance management and capital markets).
• APIs for consuming third-party services
• The KoreChain does not circumvent regulation or disintermediate any of the regulated entities in the private capital markets; instead, it provides a very efficient and fluid infrastructure for protecting the private capital market ecosystem and ensuring compliance with all the appropriate regulations