Equity Crowdfunding Platforms (RegCF)

As of 02 JUNE 2020, there are 51 active RegCF Equity Crowdfunding Platforms helping companies raise up to $1.0M USD.

We are all anticipating that RegCF is going to be potentially increased to a $5 million funding cap.   The SEC has proposed this increase, along with some other changes, and many observers expect the Commission to move forward with a higher funding cap.    

We recently did a Q&A with  Wefunder on what RegCF companies require.

We have compiled the list of 51 Active Equity Crowdfunding Platforms along with the sectors they serve.

Company Name URL City State Sector
Bioverge Portal, LLC https://www.bioverge.com/ San Francisco CA Healthcare
Buy the Block https://buytheblock.com/ Denver CO Community
CollectiveSun, LLC http://collectivesun.market/ San Diego CA Social Ventures
Crowd Ignition https://crowdignition.com/ New York NY General
CrowdsourcedFunded https://crowdsourcefunded.com/ Chicago IL General
EnergyFunders Marketplace http://www.energyfunders.com/ Houston TX Energy
EnrichHER Funding, LLC https://ienrichher.com/ Atlanta GA Loans
Equifund Crowd Funding Portal Inc. www.equifundcfp.com Kanata ON General
EquityDoor, LLC https://equitydoor.com/ Austin TX Real Estate
Flair Portal ( Flair Exchange) https://www.flairexchange.com/ Vancouver BC Gaming
Flashfunders Funding Portal www.flashfunders.co Sherman Oaks CA General
Funders USA https://www.fundersusa.com/ Newport Beach CA Technology
Fundit http://fundit.com/ Fairfield NJ General
Fundme.com, Inc. www.fundme.com Murray UT Technology
Fundopolis Portal LLC https://www.fundopolis.com Boston MA General
GrowthFountain Capital www.growthfountain.com New York NY General
Honeycomb Portal www.honeycombcredit.com Pittsburgh PA General
Hycrowd https://www.hycrowd.com/ Jersey City NJ General
Indie Crowd Funder www.indiecrowdfunder.com Los Angeles CA Film
Infrashares Inc. https://infrashares.com San Francisco CA Infrastructure
IPO Wallet LLC https://ipowallet.com/ https://invest.ipowallet.com/ Sachese TX General
Jumpstart Micro www.jumpstartmicro.com Bedford MA General
Ksdaq https://www.mrcrowd.com Monterey Park CA General
MainVest, Inc. https://mainvest.com/ Newburyport MA General
Merging Traffic Portal llc www.mergingtrafficportal.com Orlando FL General
MinnowCFunding www.minnowcfunding.com Pasadena CA Real Estate
MiTec, PBC (Crowdfund Main Street) https://www.crowdfundmainstreet.com/ Fremont CA Impact
NetCapital Funding Portal www.netcapital.com Lewes DE General
NSSC Funding Portal (SmallChange) www.smallchange.com Pittsburgh PA Real Estate
OpenDeal (Republic) www.republic.co New York NY General
Pitch Venture Group LLC https://letslaunch.com/ Houston TX General
Raise Green, Inc. http://www.raisegreen.com Somerville MA Impact
Razitall www.razitall.com Basking Ridge NJ General
SeriesOne https://seriesone.com/ Miami FL General
SI Portal (SeedInvest) www.seedinvest.com New York NY General
Silicon Prairie Holdings, Inc. https://sppx.io/ St. Paul MN General
SMBX https://www.thesmbx.com/ San Francisco CA Bonds
Sprowtt Crowdfunding, Inc. https://www.sprowttcf.com/ Tampa FL General
StartEngine Capital www.startengine.com Los Angeles LA General
STL Critical Technologies JV I, LLC (nvested) www.nvstedwithus.com St. Louis MO General
Title3Funds www.title3funds.com Laguna Beach CA General
Trucrowd www.us.trucrowd.com https://fundanna.com
Chicago IL General
VedasLabs Inc. https://vedaslabs.io/ New York City NY General
Vid Angel Studios (VAS Portal LLC) https://studios.vidangel.com/ Provo UT Film
Wefunder Portal https://www.wefunder.com San Francisco CA General
Wunderfund www.wunderfund.co Cincinnati OH General
WWF Funding Portal LLC https://www.waterworksfund.com/ Detroit MI Water

If you have any questions about how we can help you with your RegCF contact us


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