A $30 Trillion Market in 8 Years: Shari Noonan Speaks with Crowdfund Insider

The private securities market is predicted to grow exponentially in the next decade, with a total value of $30 trillion by 2030. Recently, Shari Noonan, CEO of Rialto Markets spoke to Crowdfund Insider about this remarkable trajectory.


There are several reasons we can anticipate this tremendous growth. First, the JOBS Act introduced powerful exemptions to SEC registration, removing or easing many of the administrative barriers that had stood in the way of capital formation. As well, new tools have emerged to help companies seek capital in online capital markets.


Plus, these online tools mean that companies now have access to a wider pool of potential investors that had been traditionally unavailable to the private market. On this subject, Shari Noonan said, “Rialto Markets enables not only venture and institutional investing but also retail investing. This diversity can help private companies seeking capital find a wider range of investors, which might mitigate some of the shakiness in the economy.” With traditional forms of investment, reaching niche investors used to be nearly impossible. It’s a different story online because finding niches is a huge part of what the online world is all about. So whether a company is in real estate, ice cream, or electric vehicles, online platforms make it easier to find the right investors who support unique, innovative companies.


So far, the interest in investment through JOBS Act exemptions has not slowed down. “We saw a 1,021% increase in equity crowdfunding in 2021 to $113.52 billion, so that level of growth may be difficult to sustain, but it will still be a strong 2022 for the Reg CF and RegA+ investment markets,” added Shari.


So, what does this all mean for investors? Well, the private securities market is set to continue growing at a rapid pace, and with the help of companies like Rialto Markets, it’s easier than ever to get involved. And if it’s easier for investors to get involved, then it’s easier for companies to find investors.


For players in the private capital market, like Rialto, the mission is to create a fully democratized ecosystem. Shari believes that “​​this enables private companies looking to raise capital to expand their net and reach a much wider and more diverse investor base, providing investors with access to investments at an earlier stage than previously.” 


Continued growth will require a robust infrastructure. “We will continue to expand services to bring greater efficiency and scale to the private markets,” said Noonan when asked about Rialto’s plans for the future. This will also include support for new types of securities, and Rialto is already prepared for the expansion of digital securities. Shari points out that “many NFTs are securities that also live natively on a blockchain. The right way forward is to wrap NFTs into the regulatory framework by registering them as Reg CFs or Reg As, then approving and tracking ownership on a next-gen SEC-registered Transfer Agent.” This would allow the industry to test new technologies while adhering to securities laws that protect issuers and investors alike.


The private capital market is growing at an incredible rate as issuers increasingly turn to private capital sources for their funding needs and investors explore new types of investments. With so much growth potential ahead, the private capital market is poised to introduce new technologies, efficiencies, and opportunities to the financial world.


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