KoreTalkX #6 with Brianna Martyn
essica Trapani 00:47
Hi, welcome everybody. Hi, Brianna.
Brianna Martyn 00:51
How’s it going?
Jessica Trapani 00:51
Good. Thank you and you’re doing good too.
Brianna Martyn 00:54
Yeah, it’s a lovely Tuesday here in the Okanagan Valley and Western Canada.
Jessica Trapani 00:59
Awesome. I’m on the other side in New Brunswick actually pretty neat. Welcome everybody to today’s KoreTalks where we talk about business and the democratization of capital. So in today’s edition, we’re going to be talking about the cannabis industry and the challenges they face raising capital. I’m very excited today to introduce the queen of cannabis. Brianna Martyn, co founder of Big Stock Tips. Brianna, do you want to introduce yourself?
Brianna Martyn 01:28
Yeah, absolutely. So thanks for having me on. I’m super excited. I met Oscar who is part of the KoreConX team in Oh Cannabis last week, and we had a chat on my podcast called high returns. So I entered into the cannabis industry in 2017. I would say I’m still a baby in the industry, if we talk about all the legacy partners who have been in decades and decades, but what I learned is we started medical cannabis cannabis clinics, and I really learned just the benefits of cannabis. Also just the community of the cannabis industry is so incredible, globally, Canadian, us the community is fantastic. I’ve exited out of my cannabis startups that I had co founded with two others, and started Big Stock Tips. So Big Stock Tips is basically a way to build a community of investors, individual investors, they don’t want to read press releases, they don’t want to, you know, get their information from suits, we have kind of fear COVID. We kind of had this change in how media is taken from other people. So, you know, taking in from other people, that’s what I meant, sorry. And so that’s where big stock tips happened. It just kind of happened organically and that’s what I do. I give stock news, Cannabis News to individual investors through social media and I help other companies with social awakening awareness campaigns, helping them reach individual investors as well.
Jessica Trapani 03:02
Awesome. Thank you, Brianna, I’ve watched a few of your your videos over the weeks since I’ve been introduced will not actually in person too. But Oscar mentioned after the event that I should follow all your channels and I have and I really love your personality and how you come across to your your followers. So I think that this video today two girls talking about cannabis is going to be really exciting and our listeners are gonna get a lot out of it.
Brianna Martyn 03:26
Yeah, absolutely. And it just be authentic is all I do. I just come as I am
Jessica Trapani 03:32
Amazing. So I’ll introduce myself a little bit I, I work with capital raise in partnerships. So I get to work really closely with everyone within our ecosystem in at KoreConX, which includes broker dealers, investor acquisitions, so the partners that help private companies have get their make their race successful. So to do a capital raise, they need all these partners in place to to launch their their initial raise or their secondary raise. And that’s kind of where where I come in. I love that
Brianna Martyn 04:11
Interesting and learning what you guys are doing at KoreConX and I think you’d put
Jessica Trapani 04:16
it perfectly thank you it’s it’s been a really neat learning curve Prior to working at KoreConX I actually had no knowledge of of this and just the team at cork connects super supportive and they really want you to succeed and learn so this is it’s really exciting journey for myself as well. So I’m excited to see where how, how successful. The company continues to grow over over the years and I get to be a part of
Brianna Martyn 04:40
Tthat’s fantastic, especially as a woman in business it’s so nice to be in a company that you know highlights you as a woman in business and also supports you. Thank you.
Jessica Trapani 04:53
So as co founder of of Compass Cannabis Clinic for I believe it was five years helping patients have access to legal products. What did you pick up from the cannabis market during this period?
Brianna Martyn 05:04
I mean, the, the health benefits of medicinal cannabis is insane, right? Like, we’re not even scratching the surface, there’s still so much research, it has changed lives. And I know that there is a recreational use case for cannabis as well. And I support that as well. But the medical, really, really, you know, hit me in my soul how we can better someone’s life. And so, you know, the lack of knowledge around the benefits of cannabis, I think specifically in the older generations is really where we can educate and change lives, you know, having a patient come in, who was in a wheelchair, and you know, sees a doctor gets a cannabis prescription, and then months down the road, they’re walking, they’re out of that wheelchair. And we’ve seen this time and time again, the education around products, where to get their products, because there still is, you know, I don’t like saying black market, I don’t like saying gray market, but there is that are not within the legal regulations or the legal industry. And they they don’t really understand what is legal, what isn’t, what methods to use. And you know, there is limited delivery methods methods in Canada and I would really like to see better delivery methods, but they don’t even know necessarily how to how to do delivery of the medicine or what kind of options are out there for them. So again, just education is huge. Cannabis can change your life. The international markets I find are kind of like Canada five years ago, the reforms are coming from all over the world a little bit slowly and I do understand government’s kind of hesitation sometimes to roll out medicinal cannabis or recreational cannabis more strictly and then hopefully over time as research and kind of these income for is more forefront, they’ll start to loosen the regulations.
Jessica Trapani 07:00
Very neat. That’s That’s unreal, that you actually know of the patient that is now walking as a result of, of the use of of cannabis and the possibilities that we may not even still know of. So the research that goes into it, it is mind blowing, in my opinion, for sure.
Brianna Martyn 07:19
And when it was when cannabis was not legalized or in countries, that is not legalized, then research can’t happen. You do have to have like, you know, special things. Also, you can’t do large groups like you could with other Pharma. So there are some regulations that do hold cannabis research up but I we are making waves, we are making headways all across the globe. And my hope, obviously in the medical sector is that people will see this with less stigma and actually a medical use case.
Jessica Trapani 07:49
Definitely. What would you say would be? Because you mentioned a little bit about how like in Canada, this is it’s completely legal, whereas in some states, it’s not yet so you kind of talked about how that that alone is a challenge in educating individuals about cannabis, even in a in a legal community. What would you say might be other challenges that this the cannabis industry may face?
Brianna Martyn 08:19
Yeah, I think that when we talk about how hard it was in Canada to get licensing for some of these growers, you know, medical doesn’t have to go through the provincial bodies in Canada, but recreational does so it is a little bit easier to market. But you’re also have really stringent regulations on marketing and information that you’re putting out there, which can, you know, be very confusing for people when they see you know, I’m not going to say it’s Tylenol, but let’s say Tylenol or Advil, or you know, some of these other like, I don’t know, opiates, or those kinds of things. They can really affect your body in a negative way have unlimited marketing, they can do whatever they want. They could put out ads, they can put pictures, they can make claims, and you just don’t have the same that you can do in Canada with with cannabis. So that can be somebody in Canada in the States. Obviously, there’s still a lot of stigma, people it’s getting better. People are saying oh my mom takes this and now she doesn’t limp because her knee doesn’t hurt right? And at least in the US you do have CBD that’s over the counter. Which CBD in itself should everyone should be taking CBD. You know, 90% of the population is endocannabinoid system deficient. And CBD is the way to fix that. So CBD is just like a vitamin. But people still reiterate it or they confuse it or connect it with THC and getting high and the stigma against drugs. So we do need to fight that it is a challenge with regulations. But I do think it is it is coming. So I would say the hardest thing for cannabis companies around the globe is regulations they face from the governing bodies.
Jessica Trapani 10:04
Thank you. Yeah, I do agree when it comes to those challenges, but have you worked with companies, cannabis companies that are looking to to raise capital and maybe challenges around around them trying to raise capital?
Brianna Martyn 10:21
I think they, the difficulties in raising capital today don’t necessarily have to do with the regulations of the governing bodies. There’s a little bit of distrust, I think, in the capital markets. also part of the economy situation that we’re in, there is less capital to go around. I do think that we’re going to find a bottom in the cannabis industry, we’re going to have green coming up, the sentiment is obviously so bearish, along with the investors because they may have been burned in some of these large, publicly traded companies. But I do think that will change, it just might take time for the investor community to trust this industry. Again, there’s still money to be had out there, there’s still money to find, but they’re being way more discerning about what kind of companies they give it to what is your leadership look like? And also, I think, as individual investors or investor communities need to realize that the fundamentals of the community or the fundamentals of the company story can be so incredibly strong, and the stock price might not emulate that. And we really need to really take a look at leadership, we need leaders to be out in front talking about what they’ve done well, what they can do better and what they failed at. And we need authentic people out in the media talking about these companies. And really, also, as a whole community as a whole cannabis community, we need to be talking to our political leadership’s to help move this industry along. Safe banking, we talk about you know, that’s a very big word thrown around the industry, or legalizing it in the in the US would be huge for the industry. So there are challenges, but I do think don’t lose hope there is still capital out there. And I do think that getting a loyal investor community together, and really putting authentic news out there and not just throwing splashing press releases would really help these companies with access to capital and their stock price. Yeah,
Jessica Trapani 12:27
I one thing I’ve noticed since since working at core connects is a challenge when it comes to them raising capital is at the end of the day, the companies are raising capital for their business, they’re not selling marijuana, they’re not selling that leaf, they’re trying to raise money to grow their business, which ultimately makes more jobs. So I’ve found that educating private companies that they can be, they can sell their stocks, they’re selling their story really to these two investors and the investors within the private companies are essentially their fan base, their brand advocates, their customers. So I think that that might also be a barrier to, to why it hasn’t been moving as quickly as as as it should be. Not only that, but the the payment rails weren’t, weren’t fair to the cannabis companies prior to raise to raise capital privately. So through through Regulation A were they a private company can raise up to $75 million. Just because a cannabis company was in that industry being cannabis they were being charged outrageous fees when it came to credit card and escrow and now that has changed. So an investor myself someone like like a fan of a cannabis company, for example, I can invest in a private company now through through credit card through ACH crypto to fie it and wire transfer. And we’re finding now that majority of investors will use credit card to pay for their investments because they get those points at the end of the day on their credit cards. So today if I wanted to I can I can now make an investment in a private company and even something like $250 So I think that I think that the like the Jobs Act and these regulations have come a long way in opening these these possibilities for private companies and investors alike like myself and mainly non accredited investors. I don’t need to be accredited to to invest in these companies anymore. Whereas I believe it was maybe like 10 years ago, I it had to be a public publicly traded company in order to make that investment and that’s not the case anymore. So I think the doors are just open so much more now for private companies looking to raise capital.
Brianna Martyn 14:54
Yeah, absolutely. I mean when you are a fan of a brand and you can then invest in that brand. It’s also want to encourage you to spend more money at that branch, right? Because you’re an investor, there’s a, there’s a loyalty that comes with the people who are already associated with your brand. And then they come in and invest, and then continue to support your brand and tell your friends about it. And that’s, that’s really how the individual investor community works. You know, like we saw, you know, the AMC and the Gamestop whole thing happened the beginning of 2021. That was a that was an investor community that came together and made a huge impact, right. I do think, you know, come publicly traded companies do also have a struggle with that because they can’t evade when they touch the plant, they can’t go on a lot of exchanges. And the exchanges that they can go on, are are not generally traded or touched by large hedge funds or credit investor groups. They’re individual investors. So it’s great that they can access private companies through what you guys are doing at KoreConX. Sorry, my apologies. And also, you know, the publicly traded companies that are on some of these small exchanges like the CSC the Neo and the OTC Markets. Yeah.
Jessica Trapani 16:09
Do you want to talk about maybe community building and partnerships within within the cannabis industry? I know you work very closely with with community building, and those partnerships in the role that you’re in?
Brianna Martyn 16:22
Yeah, absolutely. BigStock tips is all about social media awareness campaigns. You know, like I mentioned, kind of already on this, as people don’t want to learn to sit in a room with a bunch of suits and have them, you know, promise things, they don’t want to read press releases, because to the general public press releases aren’t really, they’re not going to jive, they’re not going to hook those individual investors to really what the brand story is. So having authentic leaders out there, and then also what we’re doing at big stock tips is just reading, reaching individual investors through fun stories about the companies, they could be private, they could be a brand, they could be public, but just doing it with modern media. So if we talk about, let’s talk about TV, for instance, there are people who are doing tiktoks, who are getting more views, then a news channel or an investment channel, or a website that has a press release on it, right, they’re not, they’re not looking for their news that way anymore, that the time has changed. COVID has really, really shifted this particular tic tock making huge gains in, in how people are, you know, taking in their media, there is that misinformation issue, I think that some people see on social media, but social media companies are doing a really great job at making sure they’re highlighting that or putting some sort of warning on it, you do still as an individual investor need to do your own research. But what people want to know is they want to know that nitty gritty, they want to know what the company is doing, what it’s gonna, you know, do in the future, what it’s done wrong, and what it’s going to do better. So that’s what I do is authentic content, it’s sticky content. It’s for you know, finding long term individual investors that like the story like the company and start investing.
Jessica Trapani 18:20
Yeah, it’s great that you say that because I get to meet a lot of CEOs at companies virtually, of course that are looking to raise capital and at the end of the day, when they’re when their raise is live and and their invest now button is is active on their site. I love going through their website to like their landing page to actually see how are they telling their story, when they do the marketing, to their, to their fan base, or potential investors that are going to now come to their page and make make their investment. It’s amazing some of the stories that I’ve read and how they tell their story. And then the marketing efforts after that, that they’ve done, but like you said, it’s it, they’re being transparent and they’re selling their story, they’re not selling their stock. And I think that that that’s that is very, very important as well.
Brianna Martyn 19:07
People are more discerning now. Right people can see through the crap, I don’t want to swear on her. But there’s another word I would always say. They know they don’t want to, they don’t they don’t want to hear want want want want walk right? Like they don’t they want to hear the authenticity of these things. They want to trust where their money is going. And if you trust in the company where the money is going, then you know you’re going to stay as a loyal investor. When you do well. You’re going to invest more and CEOs really need to understand this that they don’t want you to promise them the world. They just want you to be real and I think this shows in every every sector, no matter if it’s stocks or anything else. In marketing. They say people will buy from who they like they know when they trust and it’s exactly the same in building A brand community or an investor community?
Jessica Trapani 20:04
Definitely. So cannabis industries like any other business, the more money that they have, the quicker that they’re going to grow their business. So when we’re talking about cannabis, specifically, when they grow their business, they’re creating jobs. And tax revenue for the community. I was I read a stat and it was like, California raised a billion dollars in taxes just from cannabis. So when we’re speaking about the contribution now from that, that essentially all comes from these businesses that are now growing so fast, whether that’s through through capital raises, or how they’re growing. And essentially, that goes to childcare and public safety and research. But yeah, these these growth strategies, it’s, it’s at the end of the day it the someone that might be like, discouraged when it comes to cannabis, or might not be fully educated. It’s, it’s that education to what will this money now bring to my even my own local community, for example?
Brianna Martyn 21:12
Yeah, absolutely. I think that’s one of the things that does is differ that does differ from cannabis to other, you know, sectors or, or that kind of thing is the taxes that the cannabis community has to pay, not only in the regulated US states, but also in Canada is, it’s a lot, the taxes are a lot. And so the governing bodies, whether it’s the state, or provincial, or country, are collecting massive amounts of of taxes that does help to better your local community, your provincial or your your State community, like childcare is a huge one. I know in Canada, childcare is a huge one, I’m not privy to the, to the data for the US because I don’t live there. But you know, I can imagine it would be similar. And so when you’re thinking about putting your money somewhere, a lot of investors want to know that they’re going to be making a difference, they’re going to be making a difference in that company. But then also, because of these taxes that these governing bodies are taking in, you’re also making a difference in the community of that state, as well. That might that might be, you know, important as invest individual investors to note to maybe invest in the companies that are from their state or functioning in their state.
Jessica Trapani 22:32
Absolutely. And when they are investing in companies within their state. As that company grows, they’re only going to have more and more jobs like that’s, that’s why the Jobs Act was created, it was to create more jobs. So as these companies are growing, more jobs are available, and more families in the end are are being supported as a result of it.
Brianna Martyn 22:53
Absolutely. I love that. Who does that want to make a difference? Right? Like that’s what you’re there to do?
Jessica Trapani 23:01
Absolutely. So what would you say? How would a cannabis company start to build that sense of community,
Brianna Martyn 23:11
any company public private brand, what you need to do is you need to have authentic story, don’t I mean, it is important to look at competitors. But it is more important that you guys are true to what you do. And whether it’s like a particularly different way that you grow your cannabis or, you know, like the brand that you have, or the product that you have to market think just be really, really truthful to that and use modern media to reach those individual investors, they’re not going to understand press releases, they’re not going to want to read them, they can be very like wordy sometimes. And what they want is the story, what they want is the sticky information. And so executives need to be out front and center. They need to be authentic, and they need to just stay true to who they are. It can be obviously a struggle when there’s regulations and you can’t be exactly true to who you are. But I’ve seen some really fantastic cannabis companies do this Raj from high tide in Canada they also have a CBD brand and in the US is great at being on social media and be out front of what they’re doing. Jason Wilde from [uncertain] and he also is doing a great job of that and those are just two people that I can, you know, point to that are doing that as executives being out in the public eye
Jessica Trapani 24:43
Definitely. Yeah, I’m gonna have to I’m gonna have to follow those. Those to myself, actually.
Brianna Martyn 24:50
Yeah, I mean, they they really like, you know, Raj, their stock was down and he’s like, we’ve changed nothing in our business. We don’t know our stocks down, but it’s better are to be upfront about like, Hey, I don’t know what’s going on. But like, I’m still here with you guys. He owns still a large amount of his money. I also think executives who own and buy stock and the company that they’re running is also a huge one. They believe in it. I know that David from Heritage cannabis in Canada, he is buying his stock at chances that he can and that means a lot to me and how they feel about the success of their company.
Jessica Trapani 25:30
Definitely. So, yeah, I definitely I think that community building is very important in this sector in all private sectors, or even sorry, in all sectors in general. But I think they do but they don’t know that there’s a way to raise capital from from that community. So yeah, when it might not be enough that that you’re that you’re a company you need to now gather all these stakeholders finding like minded individuals, these like minded individuals want to see change. That’s, that’s how cannabis became legalized, almost like individuals came together to see to see that change. So however, it still might be challenging. It’s like it’s getting harder just because cannabis is cannabis. It’s like, my, my CFO was saying that’s like saying clothes or clothes. That’s there’s there’s teens, there’s youth, there’s, like senior, there’s just there’s so much and for cannabis, like there’s medical medicinal, like. So I think that that is a challenge that they face. But it’s something that can be overcome.
Brianna Martyn 26:43
Yeah, absolutely. I think we just all need to take a step back and realize that the world is changing the account, the economy is different than it was two years ago, obviously, way different from what we call like the green boom of cannabis in Canada, and all of these companies were worth so much incredible. money on the stock market and money was flowing everywhere. And times are different now. And we need to, we need to understand that people like KoreConX can help those smaller small caps or private companies raise money, and there is a lot of different avenues. So companies just need to get out and educate themselves. For sure. I do think that safe banking will obviously make a huge difference in the cannabis industry in the US. I’ve heard people think it’s never gonna come people think it’s five years. But the cannabis companies that are publicly traded, do need access to some of these larger exchanges. And that will not happen until safe banking. There’s also very few industries, people investors need to realize that when we’re talking about being having access to capital, and if you’re an investor out there, listening to us right now, there are very few industries that are growing as fast as the cannabis industry globally. You know, it’s one of the the highest growth growing industries along the whole globe. So, you know, think tech tech boom. However, when it first came out, it’s a little bit like that, although we our stock market is not in the best place, globally or the economic situation.
Jessica Trapani 28:20
It’s definitely growing. Like, yeah, rapidly. So nowadays, there are regulations for recreational use of alcohol, tobacco, and in many places around the world cannabis. So the the recreational possibilities are growing. Medical research is being debated with multiple uses for anxiety, pain relief, and cancer. What kind of changes do you see in the upcoming stock market for cannabis companies? I know you just touched on that a little and what is the difference between being an investor in investor relations for cannabis companies or for for any kind of company?
Brianna Martyn 29:00
Obviously, different sectors have different situations going on with them. And the cannabis sector is very unique. Like I said, safe banking really needs to happen so that these cannabis companies have access to the larger exchanges. You know, like I said, this, this community, this industry is growing faster than a lot of other sectors. There’s very few, very, very few that are growing at the same level. And then again, you got to ditch the old era press releases, and really get down to the nitty gritty and come to the COVID era of social media. I call it the COVID era because it kind of really happened that way. But you really need to take a step back and realize if you were in other industries before, you can’t always necessarily put the same stamp on a cannabis company. It is different. It is unique. It comes with its own unique set of challenges and successes. So Yeah, that’s what I would say, I would say the IR is just different in the cannabis industry, there’s a lot you can’t do. But there’s, there’s always ways around it, and there’s still a lot you can do. So being being, you have to kind of find a way around it all.
Jessica Trapani 30:17
Yeah, and you brought up a good point, like since COVID. More people have been in front of their computers, and are educating themselves on, on how they can make investments. So I didn’t know that I can make an investment in a private company, as a non as a non accredited investor. So not accredited, meaning I don’t earn more than $200,000 a year, I can now still I can invest in a company. And I think that since COVID, it’s it’s really private companies, let alone just the individuals themselves have now given themselves that opportunity to educate them a little bit more and want to invest. So. Yeah. And I think that that too, is going to help the cannabis industry grow very quickly. Let alone Oh, all private companies. Yeah, it’s it is pretty exciting.
Brianna Martyn 31:17
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, is it right to go public right now to right, like these private companies, they do need access to capital, and maybe public eye Listing is in the future. But it might not be, might be not necessarily the right time. I think give it nine months, and then we might see a better time to go public. But you know, even when we’re talking about the revenue of cannabis, it’s, it’s, it’s insane. In terms of like, the medic, like I heard a stat actually at this conference. I was at last week that there the revenue on in Canada on cannabis is actually more than the dairy industry in Canada. So let’s we’ll take that for a second. The cannabis industry is bigger than the dairy industry. Right now. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. first need to understand there’s still lots of opportunity here, but we need really good leadership in unique ways. Yeah. Yeah. We’re talking about like, 1.84 billion in sales in Canada in 2020.
Jessica Trapani 32:27
Yeah, and I think six like $60 billion worldwide.
Brianna Martyn 32:31
Yeah. For medicinal. Yeah. Yeah. That’s crazy. What other industry has those numbers? I would like to know. Right? I know, I think it was just over 16 billion sales in the US in 2020. I don’t have 2021 numbers in front of me. But yeah, it’s insane. So you know, if it’s not the right time to go public, don’t push it. The great thing is you can access capital as a private company in and maybe you’ll have, you know, a public listing down the road, in the interest of quick money is definitely over. But you can build a long term business until it makes sense to go public.
Jessica Trapani 33:13
Definitely. And there’s still ways we work with a lot of companies that that may not be going public, and there’s still ways for their investors to have that liquidity in their, in their investment. There are still ways whether the company goes public or not. It’s it’s pretty neat that, that they don’t have to necessarily go public.
Brianna Martyn 33:38
Yeah, also, we need to realize that investor sentiment right now is really terrible. Everyone’s super bearish. To me, that means a bottom is in sight. If we talk about investment, sentiment trading, that’s kind of what it means to me. So I do think we’re going to find a bottom in pot stocks, and then we’re gonna see all green after that. And that’s for publicly traded companies, but for private trade, private companies. It’s about the growth of the industry, right? You know, cannabis is the best long term growth story in the world. It will never see another boom cycle, or we’ll see another boom cycle story. And it reminds me like I said about the the tech crash, there was like a boom, and then a crash, and then everything went back up again. So we’re gonna find the same thing. And obviously, safe banking, or some legalization in the US kind of will be the biggest lotto ticket for North America. But don’t forget that cannabis. And companies have global business plans and globally this industry is is is making its waves. Yeah. to new countries every day. Yeah,
Jessica Trapani 34:41
definitely. And we’re finding that people, people are just now learning that they can invest in private companies. So going back to these regulations, allowing a private company to raise up to $75 million. It’s another avenue for these companies to raise capital. So will have more options, they, they have those options to essentially grow their business and create more jobs and support their local communities. So it’s, it’s really exciting to be a part of.
Brianna Martyn 35:17
Part of that, yeah. And you know, what I think to people are companies who are staying private, you do need to still use the same avenues as publicly traded companies to get your story out there. And also, you know, what, no, my mind went blank, sorry about that. But you do as a private company still need to get your brand and your story out there, it’s fantastic that companies were private have access to this capital is they are going to continue to grow, and also get those taxes to help grow the communities and jobs. So that’s really great. You know, I think that not only big stock tips, but there’s a lot of people out there that are giving really great news to investor communities all over the globe using modern media. And I do think that we’re going to see some, some interesting things going forward with that.
Jessica Trapani 36:10
I do too. So I know we’ve got we’ve got just over five minutes, so it’s too bad, our time is almost up. So on on our side regulations have made it easier for brands to raise money from, from brand advocates from their brand advocates and their customers. So the SEC changed these rules to help cannabis companies to raise the $75 million from customers with with no need to go public if they choose. So on your side, I know you have experience in in the business and give brands visibility, and of course, help them raise money. What would your final message to companies and the general public be?
Brianna Martyn 36:55
I think for the general public, you do need to do your own research. You know, you do need to find these companies and there are a lot of people that will will help you. You need. You do need to learn about the brands and the fundamentals of each company in order to decide where you want to put your money. Do you understand obviously that companies like KoreConX are helping you invest into private companies or brands you may love which is fantastic. Reach out to big tech tips. You can reach me at bigstocktips@gmail.com. I’m on Tik Tok, Brianna Martyn one, or Twitter, Brianna Martyn, for all things news in cannabis and other sectors. And you can just really, I think companies huge you just need to take a step back and understand how you are giving out your information. How are you reaching your investors? And what is your marketing plan? Or what is your plan to build your you know, your loyal investor community because that is ultimately going to help your stock when it’s publicly traded and, and raising money through through brand loyalty, loyalty. So just take a step back leadership and and think about what you’re doing and how you’re doing that.
Jessica Trapani 38:12
Fantastic. Brianna thank you so much. On on behalf of KoreConX. Yeah, big thank you for joining us today. I think today, I think our listeners are going to get a lot from this. This podcast and I know, I think it it’ll be it’ll be aired on your favorite podcast platform, whether that’s Spotify, or Apple or I think even on on Amazon, so please follow KoreConX as well on all their social channels. And if you are a private company, looking to raise capital, up to $75 million, it would be a pleasure to speak with any of our listeners in detail so that we can give you that insight and really let you know how you can help your company grow.
Brianna Martyn 39:02
Yeah, absolutely. I love what you guys are doing for individual investors and companies trying to gain access to capital cannabis industry or otherwise. So thanks again for having me. Again. Brianna Martyn, you can find me on pretty much every social media.
Jessica Trapani 39:17
Thank you so much, Brianna. Thanks bye for now. Bye